Global Connections
With a particular focus on underserved communities in the US and abroad, EDGE Global Connections is an innovative approach to teaching critical concepts in a rich, project based learning environment. In 15- week blocs, students complete learning modules in EDGE Academy, engage with global peers in a weekly cultural exchange, and contribute original images to the EDGE Digital Museum of World Culture.
International and US students are partnered for live, interactive weekly discussions. An EDGE conversation guide with cultural insights and language prompts is distributed each week to focus the exchange and complement the learning goals of the Global Connections program. The exchange takes places on widely accessible and mutually agreed upon platforms such as WhatsApp, Skype, Facebook, or iMessage.
Students contribute to the EDGE Digital Museum of World Culture- an online museum of photos created “by youth for youth” and curated by cultural specialists at EDGE. Using simple technology, the DMWC allows students to both share and explore global culture in a purposeful, educational way.
Powered by the innovative e-GAP (the EDGE Global Academic Portal), EDGE Academy enrolls students in virtual learning pathways (such as Youth Leadership, College Prep, or Young Entrepreneurs) comprised of academic clusters on topics like critical thinking, cultural competencies, and digital literacy. Prep and Challenge courses provide remedial and accelerated options for enrolled students.